Polígono Industrial Zalain, 23
(+34) 948 63 08 11
QUAKER HOUGHTON, the global leader in industrial process fluids, we continually improve and innovate so our customers can stay ahead in a changing world.
If it ́s made of metal, if it’s rolled, cut, drawn, or cast, QUAKER HOUGHTON is there, optimizing processed, reducing costs, advancing safety and sustainability, and driving progress.
We take on our customers’ challenges as our own, bringing the right combination of science, engineering, and business savvy so they can meet the future fully con dent that their operations will run even more efficiently, even more effectively… whatever comes next.
Product Range
We are specialists in lubricants for the steel industry with speci c range of products for different applications:
- Quakertek greases: Specialist in the market suppling t for purpose products, technologically advanced with the aim of improving performance and cost reduction.
- Quakercast casting oil: Specialist in the eld. Latest technology products to help improving performance.
- Rolling oils: Specialists in lubricating the rolling process focusing on product formulation and application system.
- Quintolubric / Houghto-Safe: Fire resistant uids, market leader in this segment, with reliable and contrasted products.